All about my life as a mommy and an Air Force wife

Monday, June 13, 2011

Running, Running

My ridiculous, ambitious, 5-months pregnant self decided that running a half-marathon with my hubby after the birth of the baby would be a good idea. I was afraid that my body wouldn't bounce back as easily after Teagan as it did with Ian (I am nearly five years older afterall) and I really like the way my legs look when I work for them. I should mention, the most I've ever run at a time is three miles; a half marathon is 13.1 miles. And it's been almost a year since I've run at all. The morning sickness hit and that was the end for me.

We selected the race we would do a while ago, and we signed up a couple of weeks ago. I have until October to train, which is a completely feasible goal. Except that getting out to train has not been as easy as I had thought it would be. For one, I have a two-month old. My days pretty much revolve around her schedule, and my ability to wake up in the morning is pretty dependent on how well she slept the night before. The bigger problem, though, is that we live in Texas. It has not been under 100 degrees in over a week, and the 10 day forecast is not showing any relief. So to run, I have to go in the morning before it gets too hot, or I have to use a treadmill at the gym, and getting myself to the gym is another challenge in itself.

I thought finding the time would be easy. We even got a fancy double jogging stroller from Hazen's mom to allow me to get out and run with the kids. But, again, I have a two-month old. And not only is the area of Texas that we live in scorching hot, it is also windy. So on the mornings I have been ambitious and gotten myself and the two children dressed and ready to go, I have been shot down the second I've gone outside and realized the wind was blowing just enough to be unhealthy for the baby.

This morning, I set my alarm for 5:30am to get in a mile (that's my current max...I'm definitely not going to be setting any records!) before Hazen went to work and the kids woke up. Unfortunately, Teagan hadn't woken yet to eat and the alarm woke her up. Which was a good thing because I was completely engorged and running would have been pretty uncomfortable, but also a bad thing because I had limited time to get my run in. I did end up making it out the door at 6:00, and Hazen left for work on time (got back at 6:12...a 12-minute mile isn't good, but I'm getting quicker every time!).

I know I'll get this figured out. Having a race on the books and not wanting to look out of place when we get there has definitely got me motivated to put in the work. It's just that what I want to do and what I CAN do seem to be a little at odds right now.

1 comment:

  1. I thought I had bookmarked this blog and was disappointed that I hadn't seen any posts... Just discovered that I HADN'T bookmarked it and have missed a bunch of your posts! OY!

    I can't believe you're running! You're so much more motivated than me! Most days I feel like a lazy bum!
