I suppose I should try and update a little bit about my kiddos. They're constantly changing, and I know I'm going to forget all of the cute things they do (I've already forgotten so much).
Ian: what can I say about Ian? He is crazy, and busy, and curious. He is always doing something, making messes, asking me questions that make me laugh. He loves coloring and he loves when I color with him. His favorite thing to do is to walk through the toy sections at stores. He is a fantastic big brother, and is constantly wondering what Teagan is doing and always wanting to talk to her and kiss her. I think he scares her sometimes because he likes to get RIGHT IN HER FACE and speak as loudly and as high pitched as possible ("are you a sweet girl? Aww, you're such a sweet girl! Hi Teagan! What are you doing?"). Anytime she makes a sound back at him, he asks me "what did she say, Mom?" like I have any idea. He is insanely excited about Cars 2 coming out in movie theatres and has been counting down the days (sleeps) for a couple of weeks. He has been set on going tomorrow, opening day, but we were invited to a birthday party tomorrow evening so I had to break it to him that he has to wait until Saturday. The birthday party is for his best friend here, though, and there is a pool and cake involved so he accepted the change in plans pretty easily. It's just going to be the best weekend ever in four-year-old land. ;) He also says daily "Mom, I love you. You're my best girl." It absolutely melts my heart (I tell him regularly that he is my favorite boy, so I think that's where he gets it). He always wants hugs and kisses, and he has to give them to everyone before bed, the dog and cat included. He is such a smart, caring kid. We got lucky with him.
Teagan: She is almost three months old already--I can't believe it! She is such an easy baby, which is dangerous. She has me thinking I can do this again, even though I know we're not ready! A couple of weeks ago, though, my crazy hubby had a couple of beers and said "I want another baby"...eek! She sleeps great, and pretty much has since birth. We've had one rough night of every hour waking, and other than that she's never woken more than twice a night. Most nights she only wakes once, and last night she didn't wake at all until 7:15! She then went back to sleep for a couple of hours, we went on a walk, came home, and she went down for a nap. She's now been sleeping for over an hour without a peep. Seriously, easiest baby ever. She started sucking her thumb a couple of days ago, and her need to nurse has gone down substantially. I suspected that I was being used as a human pacifier, and it seems I was right. She absolutely refuses bottles, and I've given up trying. I am still pumping daily, though, because when I wake up in the morning I am so engorged. Even when she wakes to nurse, she usually only makes it through one side before going back to sleep. So I usually have at least one side that goes 9+ hours without relief; pumping is a must first thing in the morning. She is starting to notice everything around her, and she is so full of smiles and giggles. We went and got her a playmat the other day, and she can lay contentedly on it for quite awhile, just looking and smiling at the toys. She is such a sweet baby.
We're getting into a good routine here, and going from one child to two hasn't been too difficult. Thankfully Ian has adjusted wonderfully and Teagan is an easy baby. There are times when I'm definitely wondering what I was thinking (you would think doubling the kids would equal double the work...no. Adding a second kid triples the work...at least), but I wouldn't go back if I could. I've been amazed at how seamlessly she's fit into our family. Everyone told me she would, but when you have a little person you are so in love with, it's hard to imagine being able to give that amount of love to another one. But, somehow, you can. And there is no effort involved, it just comes. Life is so good right now, I'm truly lucky.
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