My sweet baby is the greatest baby. I know she's only 9 weeks old and anything can change, but for right now, she is the greatest baby.
Every night, she is in bed between 9:30 and 10:00...Ian was a challenge for MONTHS to get to bed before midnight. Once she's down, 4/5 nights her first time waking isn't until 4-5am. If she's going to wake before that, it's around 1:30...really not sure why. During the day, she has at least one nap that is around two hours, and another that's at least an hour. Between those, she'll have some 10-15 minute cat naps. She has been like this since day one. The nighttime stretches have gotten longer, but she's always been a great sleeper.
The only issue we're having with all this great sleep is nighttime diapering. I don't have many diapers that have the ability to keep her dry for the long stretches, and we have had to experiment with a few different things to avoid leaking, too. I'll be ordering more diapers soon, I'm just having issues figuring out what I want to buy.
On another note, she had her two month appointment last Wednesday. She weighed in at 11lbs, 15oz (75th percentile) and was 23 inches long (also the 75th percentile). Go mama's milk! And related to the mama's milk thing...she will not take a bottle. I have almost 20oz pumped and she will not drink it. I've tried Avent, Dr. Brown's, Gerber, Breastflow, and the bottle that looks like a boob (Adiri)...nada. She screams and cries. We have Hazen offer it to her while I'm out of the room, and it just does not work out. We've tried when she's hungry, we've tried when she's nursed for a few minutes first, we've tried just about everything. We are considering a bottle warmer since we're not sure we're getting it to the just right temp (although we did try some freshly pumped milk once...still a no-go). I could have worse problems, and at least it's not an urgent thing. She doesn't NEED to have a bottle, we were just hoping she would take one in the event I want to go out without a baby one of these days. But if that's not in the cards for the next few months, it's not in the cards. She's worth it. ;)
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