All about my life as a mommy and an Air Force wife

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


My sweet baby is the greatest baby. I know she's only 9 weeks old and anything can change, but for right now, she is the greatest baby.

Every night, she is in bed between 9:30 and 10:00...Ian was a challenge for MONTHS to get to bed before midnight. Once she's down, 4/5 nights her first time waking isn't until 4-5am. If she's going to wake before that, it's around 1:30...really not sure why. During the day, she has at least one nap that is around two hours, and another that's at least an hour. Between those, she'll have some 10-15 minute cat naps. She has been like this since day one. The nighttime stretches have gotten longer, but she's always been a great sleeper.

The only issue we're having with all this great sleep is nighttime diapering. I don't have many diapers that have the ability to keep her dry for the long stretches, and we have had to experiment with a few different things to avoid leaking, too. I'll be ordering more diapers soon, I'm just having issues figuring out what I want to buy.

On another note, she had her two month appointment last Wednesday. She weighed in at 11lbs, 15oz (75th percentile) and was 23 inches long (also the 75th percentile). Go mama's milk! And related to the mama's milk thing...she will not take a bottle. I have almost 20oz pumped and she will not drink it. I've tried Avent, Dr. Brown's, Gerber, Breastflow, and the bottle that looks like a boob (Adiri)...nada. She screams and cries. We have Hazen offer it to her while I'm out of the room, and it just does not work out. We've tried when she's hungry, we've tried when she's nursed for a few minutes first, we've tried just about everything. We are considering a bottle warmer since we're not sure we're getting it to the just right temp (although we did try some freshly pumped milk once...still a no-go). I could have worse problems, and at least it's not an urgent thing. She doesn't NEED to have a bottle, we were just hoping she would take one in the event I want to go out without a baby one of these days. But if that's not in the cards for the next few months, it's not in the cards. She's worth it. ;)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Time Warner Cable

We have had five cable providers since being married: Cox, some military affiliate in Nellis base housing, Bresnan, Time Warner, and now Sudden Link. So far, Time Warner is the only one that has made me seriously consider satellite (though, in all fairness, we've only had Sudden Link for two weeks!).

Time Warner was great the entire time we had them. We were locked in to one rate for two years, although I told them we wouldn't be in the service area for more than a year. They told me when I signed up it was no problem, to just be sure to have a copy of Hazen's orders when we cancelled.

Well, fast forward a year and we had to cancel. I asked the representative if I needed to provide a copy of the orders, and he told me everything looked fine and that I had a final payment of something like $12. Okay, no big deal, we hang up and I pay my final $12 (online bill pay). The next day, another representative from Time Warner calls asking why we've cancelled service. I explain we've gotten orders to move and then ask HIM if I should submit a copy. Again, he says everything looks fine. Three days after our service is shut off, I return our equipment to the Time Warner office. I'm given a receipt, and something in my gut tells me to hold onto that receipt.

Fast forward to our move. We had a 1400 mile drive between North Carolina and Texas. On the first day of the move, I get a phone call from a number I don't recognize. I answer (big no-no...I generally don't talk on my phone while driving, but I was curious) and it's a recording from Time Warner cable telling me to call such-and-such number for information on my account. I'm driving and obviously can't take down the number so I'm unable to call that day.

The next day, I get the same call while we are sitting at a rest area. Hazen takes the phone and just redials the number that called me. We find out we have a balance of $160.05--$160 for a cancellation fee and a $.05 balance forward that I was apparently short. Hazen explains that we are moving on military orders, and that I asked TWICE about needing to submit them. The guy tells us to just go ahead and send those in once we get moved. We are also told the $.05 will be removed from the balance.

Two days after we get to Texas, we haven't sent the orders yet. We're getting settled in our itty-bitty temporary lodging and get another call from a woman "giving us one last chance to make a payment of $160.05 before sending us to collections". Whaaaaat?? I explain AGAIN that we are military, we have just gotten moved, that we told someone a couple of days ago that we would send the orders. She says "yes, I see that note from four days ago". So I tell her we will send it that day, can I get a fax number? She gives it to me and I specifically asked her who I should send it attention to. She said no one, just send it in. She also apologizes for the $.05 on the bill and says they will forgive that once they receive the orders.

The next day we receive a call from Time Warner collections asking for the $160.05 to be submitted immediately. I explain that we sent the fax the day before and she says "Oh yes, I see that note. We will get that taken care of". We hang up.

Two days later, we are at the park and receive ANOTHER PHONE CALL. This time, Hazen takes it. He was on the phone for over thirty minutes, getting more and more agitated. He was transferred three times because each person he talked to didn't want to deal with the angry man. He finally gets transferred to a woman with a horrible attitude. He tells her that we sent the fax. She says we should have sent it to somebody's attention, that there are hundreds of employees, how is she supposed to know where the fax is? He tells her I asked who to send it to and was told nobody. She says I should have sent it to somebody (needless to say, at this point we are both quite angry). She is also demanding $160.05. Hazen tells her we don't owe the $160 and the $.05 is supposed to have been removed. She says she sees that and gives us a fax number and her name to send the orders to. We leave the park and fax the orders. A few minutes later, Ms. Attitude calls back telling us she received it and the charges have been removed. By now we have gotten smart and Hazen asks for a confirmation number.

This all happened about a month ago. I got over it. But then on Friday we received a bill for $600.05. For what? Non-return of equipment. Oy.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Overall, I think we've all done really well with the move. Hazen seems to be fitting right in with the guys from his shop, I've found some girls from church that I get along with, and Ian has made a couple of friends from church as well. We all enjoy the town, the house is great, the animals REALLY love the yard. But, some days, Ian has a hard time. On the third day of our four day drive, he had a complete breakdown. He told me to turn around, to go back to Pope (our last base), that he didn't want to go to Texas. He screamed and cried for a good thirty minutes, and I don't know how much longer it would have gone on had I not spotted a Dairy Queen sign on the road.

It's been four weeks now since we got to Texas, and he has done great with it...until last night. I had my first small group and Hazen had to work, so we brought Ian to his new friends' house (their parents are in the small group) to hang out with them and their sitter. He had a fantastic time while there, but the second we pulled out of their driveway the breakdown started again. He wanted to give one of the little boys a handshake (long story), so the fit started out being about that. But then it progressed into "I don't want my bed! I don't want my stuff in Texas! I want to go to Pope!"

It completely breaks my heart when this happens. I feel so badly for him. I know he's too young to understand what's going on, why we're here, why he has to make new friends. And once he gets like that, it's almost impossible to calm him down, we just have to ride it out until he feels better. It's a hard thing, being a military kid. I hope as he gets older, it gets easier for him. I know I used to get excited over our upcoming moves, to be seeing a new place. So I hope he starts to feel that way about it, too, one day. Until then, we'll let him pick the colors he wants to paint his room (even if I think they are awful!) and be here with extra hugs and kisses. Poor guy.

Monday, May 16, 2011


As most reading this know, I have other blogs. and I enjoyed writing those and they both had a purpose when I started them. But they've both outgrown their uses and I feel that in order to blog the way I want to, I needed to start over. This isn't the prettiest blog by any means, but I hope to learn and change it's look a bit over time.

So, first a little about me. My last name is Noble, hence the name of the blog (I'm not entirely arrogant). I've been married for nearly eight years to the love of my life, Hazen. He is in the Air Force and has been for the majority of our marriage, less 16 months in 2008/2009. I am a stay at home mom and have been for the majority of our time as parents, less that same 16 months. I do have a bachelor's degree, which I've found a lot of people don't expect from a stay-at-home mom. And to answer the question I get most often: no, I don't feel that I'm wasting it. It will always be there, but my babies will only be babies for a short amount of time. I feel like my time is best spent with them for now.

Our children are Ian, who will be five in August, and Teagan, who was just born in March. Ian is a BUUUUSY kid and has been since the minute he was born. He keeps me on my toes, but he is amazingly sweet and funny, too. He is the greatest big brother and seems to really enjoy that new role in his life. Teagan is still so little it's hard to know what her personality will be. I can say she is a much easier baby than her brother, and she seems to be such a happy baby. She is constantly "talking" and smiling and she really has brought so much joy into our lives. She was worth the 26 month wait.

We are a military family and are at our third base in my husband's career. We just bought our first house which has been exciting, stressful, terrifying, and fulfilling all at the same time. I am looking forward to showing off our future projects!

I'm hoping this will give me a place to record the kids' accomplishments and milestones, while also giving me somewhere to showcase some of the more exciting moments in Hazen's and my lives (though most of those moments are wrapped around the kids' accomplishments and milestones!). So here it goes!